Media & More Information

False Alarm in the Media


Case Study: The Filmmaking of False Alarm by Nick Lyell

Super Critical Podcast

Episode #63: False Alarm

Chernobyl "elephants foot"

Nuclear Hotseat Podcast

Chernobyl Anniversary #2: Survivor Bonnie Kouneva, Dr. Janette Sherman + Hawaiian “Incoming Missile” Film – #514. False Alarm featured starting at 45 minutes.

Nuclear Weapons

No First Use Pledge

No First Use Pledge

Under current policy, the President of the United States has limitless authority to launch a nuclear strike. By signing this pledge, you’ll be showing your representatives that you support making it policy that the US will never use nuclear weapons first.

Super Critical Podcast

A podcast on nuclear weapons in popular culture done with policy analysis, amateur art criticism, and too many puns.

Hawaiian History and Contemporary Struggle

A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land and Sovereignty

A constellation of land struggles, peoples’ initiatives, and grassroots organizations gave rise to what has become known as the Hawaiian movement…These movements for life, land and sovereignty changed the face of contemporary Hawaiʻi.

Ka'Lahui Hawai'i

Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi

Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi is a native initiative for self-determination advocating for the rights of Kanaka Maoli and the protection of our lands and natural and cultural resources. More info at their website, or on Facebook.

More Coming Soon!